Download CamScanner Text and Image Scanning APK for Android – free

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If you’re a researcher, student or professor who needs to scan documents on the go, CamScanner is an app that can help. It’s a full-featured scanning app that can turn photos into PDFs and recognize business cards and receipts, so you don’t have to waste time reviewing your printed materials to find what you need. 

CamScanner: Text and Image Scanning, Recognition

Whether you’re trying to digitize your paper-based paperwork or snap a photo of a document for later use, CamScanner is the app for you. Here’s everything you need to know about using this powerful app. Also, you will check more apps; go to Happy MOD: Tips APK for Android Download!

CamScanner is an app that takes photos and turns them into PDFs.

You can scan documents on your phone or computer with CamScanner and save them as PDFs. It has various features, such as the ability to edit images, share files through email or social media apps like Facebook or Twitter, add text comments to images (such as “This is my receipt”), search through existing scans in your library and more.

You can use CamScanner to take a photo of paper, which then gets turned into a PDF and saved to your phone.

The app recognizes business cards, receipts and other documents. CamScanner is available for iOS and Android devices on the App Store or Google Play Store.

The app recognizes business cards, receipts and other documents so that you can store them electronically.

The app recognizes business cards, receipts and other documents.

CamScanner lets you scan and save documents as PDFs. You can also use it to check records on your phone or computer and then keep them as PDFs.

CamScanner has many uses for students and researchers, especially for small projects requiring quick access to information.

CamScanner is a valuable tool for students and researchers, especially for small projects where you need quick access to information. CamScanner is a great app that lets you scan documents, Text or images and then turn the scans into PDFs. You can also use it as an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool to convert photos of Text into searchable digital files.

This app provides a valuable service for academics who need more time but need access to more information than they have available in print form.

It can be used on computers and mobile devices to scan documents from anywhere. It also has a built-in OCR (optical character recognition) feature, allowing users to convert images into PDFs or searchable text documents. CamScanner allows you to use your device’s camera as an alternative way of capturing Text and pictures instead of printing them. 

It also features various editing tools, including cropping pictures after taking them so that only relevant parts remain visible, adding borders around images, changing brightness levels etc.

How to Use the App for Simple Image Scanning

How to Use the App for Simple Image Scanning

Open the app and select the scan mode. The app has three ways: Photo, Document and Text. If you’re scanning a picture or Document, choose one of these options based on what kind of file you want to create–for example, if it’s an image from your phone camera, then choose Photo; if it’s something else like bank statements or receipts then choose Document; finally, if it’s the Text from a book then select Text (see below).

  • Choose the destination folder for saving your scan by tapping “New Folder” at the top left corner of your screen and giving it a name like “Scans” or whatever else works best for organizing them later on in some other program such as Dropbox or Google Drive – whichever works best with how much storage space is available on both devices involved (your phone/tablet versus computer). Then tap back into CamScanner again before continuing onto Step 3 below!
  • Tap the Camera button next time when ready to start taking pictures/videos using either front-facing camera lens located above the main display area, which houses icons representing different types available within the current mode selected earlier during step 1 above (e.,g., photo mode will show up here while document mode would not). Once finished capturing the content needed, tap the Save button directly underneath the last icon above the camera lens area. Ensure to save everything else before exiting completely since, once closed, without holding anything previously taken.

CamScanner is a highly recommended app for scanning documents. It’s easy to use, has many features, and works well on multiple platforms. You can also use CamScanner as a camera app to take photos of documents using your device’s camera instead of printing them (excellent if you don’t have access to them).


CamScanner is an excellent app for academics who need to scan documents on the go. It’s easy to use and has many features that make it ideal for researchers and students. You can use CamScanner on your phone or computer, so there’s no need for special equipment like printers or scanners when working with this program. 

CamScanner is a great app for scanning documents and images, and it has several features that make it stand out, such as OCR/text recognition and multi-page scanning. If you’re looking for an easy way to digitize your paper documents, this app is worth checking out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CamScanner?

CamScanner is a mobile app that lets you scan any paper document and turn it into a digital copy. You can also add Text to your record with CamScanner, allowing you to create searchable PDFs for easy access anywhere on your computer or phone.

How does CamScanner work?

CamScanner is a mobile app that allows you to scan, recognize and turn photos into PDFs. The app uses artificial intelligence to make the process of checking paper documents more accessible and more efficient. It can also acknowledge Text in images and convert it into editable Text. 

How to create a PDF for free with CamScanner.

To create a PDF, open CamScanner and select the Document you want to scan. Tap on the CamScanner button at the bottom of your screen, then tap on the PDF button in the top right corner (it looks like an image of paper with “pdf” written on it). In this menu, tap Share and choose where to save your new scanned Document!

How to add Text to your Document with CamScanner.

You can add Text to your Document using CamScanner. The app has a built-in OCR (optical character recognition) feature, allowing users to create text documents. Open the image you want to convert into a PDF, followed by “Text Recognition.”
 This will open up an editor where you can add or edit existing Text in the Document and type out new words directly on top of the image itself!

What's new

- Easily leave feedback on converting files to Word/Excel with our new button. Your thoughts matter!
- Dates are now easier to read with our updated display format.
- Experience faster, smoother app performance with our latest optimization update.


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